
God puts the “groove” in my “hooves”

Habakkuk 3:19 “The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon my high places.”

If you use the King James Version of the Bible, like I do, you will notice throughout scripture that the phrase “hinds’ feet” is used several times. (Psalm 18:33, 2 Samuel 22:34) So what in the world are hinds’ feet? Well, I did a little research, and found out that hinds’ feet are the rear hooves of a deer.

If you know anything about a deer, you know the animal is quite fast and powerful. The rear hooves specifically are their most powerful body part. The rear hooves are the strong, propelling force of a deer’s movement. Fun fact: A deer can jump up to 10 feet high! The front hooves are the pivot points, or turning mechanism of a deer’s movement.

This is where I got chills…It’s amazing how much more REAL the word of God becomes to you when you take time to study out things like this! Let’s put this all together in ‘layman’s terms’, shall we?

God is our strength, he makes our feet like hinds’ feet. God is our power, he makes our way perfect. Our responsibility is to make sure we keep our fleshly desires and our will in check. When we allow God to control our path, and we don’t try to pivot away from where he leads us, he will propel us forward to where he wants us to go. We have to allow ourselves to be led to the high places he has for us!

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  1. Shannon Moody says:

    That’s sooooo good!!!!!!! Love it! ❤️

    1. Kristin says:

      Thanks, my friend! 😊

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