
From a pillow to a pillar

Imagine going on a journey to a far away place in search of a spouse. When it gets dark, and you have to stop for the night, you make yourself a pillow out of stones. Sounds rough, right?

And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

Genesis 28:11

Well, it was in this very place, without complaint, sleeping on a pillow of stones, that Jacob received a vision and promise from the Lord himself. God told him that the land he was resting on would belong to him. God also told Jacob he would be blessed of all the families of the earth. God promised He would always be with Jacob, wherever he would go, and would not leave him.

16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not. 18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.

Genesis 28:16, 18

When Jacob woke from his sleeping, he stacked his pillows into a pillar, and poured anointing oil on top. He worshipped God there, and vowed a vow to the Lord. The rest of Jacob’s story is a very interesting one, and I recommend you read it. But today I wanted to share a few thoughts with you that I gleaned from this passage, and we can apply to our lives today.

Thought number 1:

Sometimes the place we stop to rest, is where we grow closest to God, and hear from God the best. When our lives are busy, and full of noise, we may have difficulty hearing God speak clearly. We get focused on what is around us. God will sometimes bring us to a dark, still, quiet place in life in order to speak to our hearts in a way only He can.

Thought number 2:

Sometimes a burden we carry around, we sleep with, and we feel like we have no choice but to tolerate, can become a huge blessing. The very rocks Jacob had to use for a pillow must’ve been uncomfortable. But later, he returned with his family to the very pillar he made out of these rocks as a memorial of how God blessed and spoke to him. God can turn your mourning to joy. He can comfort you. Even in your barren place, where it feels dark and alone. Lay your “rocks” down and watch God work it all out!

Thought number 3:

Jacob recognized the voice of God. When the Lord spoke to him in a dream, he did not wake up and wonder what it meant, and he didn’t have to ask around for others’ advice. He knew the Lord well enough to trust His promises. Do we recognize His voice when he speaks? Do we trust His leading? Or do we second guess the Bible, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance?

Bonus nugget: Even while traveling, Jacob had oil. This was anointing oil, used for blessing, sacrificing, and medicinal purposes. He was prepared and anticipated the need for oil. How prepared am I to face the world each day? As I go out and about, am I carrying the oil of gladness with me? (Hebrews 1:9)

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