Devotions Uncategorized

Do You Remember When?

Do you remember September 11, 2001?

I remember that morning all too well. Fear like I’d never known before. The country I’ve been privileged to be born in was being attacked. I’d been blessed to live in a land that I could sleep, live and love in peace. On that morning 20 years ago, that blanket of protection felt that it had been ripped off of me.

I remember grabbing my 5 & 6 year old daughters and gathering around the radio listening to the never ending news of one tower, then another being struck and falling to the ground. Innocent people jumping from the World Trade Center as it went up into flames. Then the pentagon as it was attacked. Every incidental that day drove a deeper feeling of helplessness. Tears flowing while holding my babies and assuring them that no matter what comes against our country we were in the hands of God.

That moment in time stood still. It seemed as if every single American held their breaths as each event occurred before our very eyes. Fear, devastation, loss, and dread seemed to overwhelm the American people. But, in the midst of it all, that’s where the red, white and blue began to bond together. People began to call out on God. Those that hadn’t prayed in years turned their hearts to the Creator. Some realized they were lost and needed a Saviour. Many who hadn’t darkened the doors of the church in years came back home as the prodigal son. Families that had been broken became one again. Grudges were forgotten. Love prevailed because we, as a nation, saw that nothing else matters. In God We Trust… became more than mere words, they became our heart’s cry.

Do you remember this day? Every detail of the day? If so, pass it on to your children. Tell them the truth about terrorism. Show them what letting your guard down can do. Teach them to pick up the Sword of the Word of God and Stand for truth. Stand for righteousness. Stand for liberty. Stand for freedom. Stand for the constitution! Stand for the United States of America 🇺🇸!!! Teach them to love God, to love their country and to never compromise.

My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me.

Lamentations 3:20

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