white and brown house

Leaders in the Church

Throughout the Bible we are given very specific instructions about every aspect of our lives. The way we are to conduct ourselves as a Church is no exception. The Church is made up of people from all walks of life. Each Church member is blessed with various talents, abilities and gifts given to us by …

So easily offended

We live in a day and time where everyone is offended. Not sharing the same beliefs as someone else is offensive. Having a different appearance than someone else, also offensive. When one family’s ways of doing things differ from another family’s… The list could go on, and on, but you get the picture. People are …

My “Why”

Why a blog, you ask? The short answer is – I have no clue! I have no clue what I’m doing,honestly. This blogging thing is a learning process for sure. But, nothing ventured nothing gained, right? The longer answer is – I decided (with a little nudging from a few friends and the Holy Spirit) …