Remember – Martha was cumbered about with many things…but Mary chose to do what was most important, and Jesus said she was wise in so doing.
How Do I Live With This Grief?
Sometimes living with grief is unbearable. But knowing the One who cares about you, can give you joy in the midst of sorrow.
You Are Welcome Here!
Have you ever walked through someone’s door and instantly felt that welcoming, homey feeling? I have and let me tell you I long for my home to be that way as well. I want people to feel they are at home away from their home. I don’t ever want my home to be a place …
Does time management matter to God?
You see, from the very beginning of creation, as illustrated in the book of Genesis, God set us up with a system by which to tell time. He gave us the sun, moon, stars, seasons, etc. It is by these things that we know one day from the next. God, himself, is the creator and giver of time. We should thank him everyday for the time he has given us. We are never promised more of it! Enjoy and use wisely every moment you have.
Great IS Thy Faithfulness
Just as sure as the sun rises in the east every single morning, so great are the mercies and faithfulness of our Lord. As of today, July 24, 2021, God has been faithful to me for 16,371 days. That is a whole lot of faithfulness!!!! Before I knew Him…He was faithful! September 17, 1996 when …
Put On A Happy Face
Smile…it’s free! It’s one of the most beautiful things we can do. Life sometimes can send us into a tailspin which changes the look on our faces. Some days we don’t feel like smiling, it’s just life. But, I’m here to tell you that when we take our eyes off of our troubles and lift …
What You See Is What You Get!
Being an open book and true to ourselves and to the Lord.
Lord, teach us to pray!
When is the last time you had a heart-to-heart conversation with your Father?
The unfortunate way we treat Jesus
If we have faith to get in the ship with Jesus, we must have faith to endure the seas.
The family that keeps God first
I love to read about families in the Bible. How did early families interact with each other? What was the father’s role in the home versus the mother’s? How did families worship in the Old Testament versus after Christ came and started the Church age? All these things are intriguing to me. I want to …