
Be like the conies

What in the world is a coney?

No, it’s not a hot dog topped with Cincinnati chili. It’s a small creature referred to in Proverbs 30:26. I had to look it up! This word refers to a small, stub-tailed, rabbit-like animal, which makes it’s home in the rocks of Africa and the middle east.

The conies, or Rock Hyraxes are such cute little guys!

The conies are but a feeble folk, yet they make their houses in the rocks

Proverbs 30:26

What can we learn from the coney?

So I learned a long time ago if the Bible mentions something, it is worth looking at a little closer. So when I read about this animal called a coney in Proverbs, I wanted to search it out! Turns out they are not very strong animals, but they are quite wise! They make their homes in the rocky terrain of mountainous areas, usually in higher elevations. The information I read said that their homes are usually around the same area as eagles nests, which is interesting because they are prey for eagles. These conies know, however, there is safety in the rock! Praise the Lord for the Rock that is our safety. Our shelter we can run to when we need hiding from this crazy world we live in.

A soldier in enemy territory should always be vigilant.

Conies live in groups, and there are always lookouts. These lookouts sit at different vantage points and watch for the enemy while others are feeding, growing, and exploring. I praise God for those in the family of God who can be a lookout for me, when I can’t see what’s ahead or who pray for me in times of trouble! We should all learn to be “lookouts” for each other; warning each other of the trappings of sin, looking out for sisters in Christ who we notice falling by the wayside. Picking each other up when one is down.

Be like the conies.

Make your home in the Rock. Be a lookout for others. Be vigilant against the enemy. Be not lazy.

…lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.”

Psalm 61:1-2

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  1. Sherry Schmitt says:

    Thank you God for the rock!!

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:


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