
Are you giving 100%?

Most Christians are familiar with the verse in Luke that tells us to give and it will be given back to us, more than what we gave in the first place. Most of us have been taught that this verse applies to finances, money or goods. While this is not entirely incorrect, I want to show you a few other things this verse applies to.

When reading your Bible it is important to leave verses in their context. What does that mean exactly? Well, have you ever overheard the middle of a conversation and walked away thinking you knew what the whole conversation was about, only to find out later that you were wrong? Picking any verse out of scripture and assuming you know what it means without reading the verses before and after is just like this. You need to know the context!

Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Luke 6:38

For sake of space on this blog post, I will not type out all the verses before and after this verse. But grab your Bible, so you can read along as I point a few things out.

The word “measure” means portion. This verse says to give, and with the same portion you give others, that portion will be given to you again. Since this measure, or portion is being returned to you from God himself, of course it will be pressed down and running over. He is a God that gives good gifts. John 10:10 says “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

If you look back up at verse 27 in this same chapter, Luke 6, the context starts. We see that the word “give” refers to several things other than our worldly goods!

We should give love (verse 35) to others. Even to our enemies, and those that don’t deserve love in the world‘s eyes.

We should lend to others (verse 35), even if we know we may never get back what we lent.

We must give mercy (verse 36). Jesus is our example for living this life, and wasn’t he certainly merciful to all of us while in our sinful state?

We must give forgiveness (verse 37). When we choose not to forgive someone who has done us wrong or hurt us, we harbor anger, resentment, and bitterness in our hearts. These things become like a cancer and affect every part of our being. They cause us not only physical distress, but emotional and spiritual as well.

So look at your life, Christian friend. Can you give more? Not more money- although perhaps you could do that as well! But more time, more love, more forgiveness or mercy? God will bless you for it. I promise!

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  1. Miranda McGraw says:

    Thank you for this reminder! I needed it today 💜

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      We all do! Glad it was an encouragement to you!

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