Hi there! I’m Kristin, author of Keepers of Heart and Home. The inspiration for this website comes from two passages of scripture: Proverbs 4:23 and Titus 2:5. My prayer is that this website will help anyone who stumbles across it to draw closer to Jesus, and grow in their walk with him!

I have been a child of God for 19 years, wife for 20 years to my hard-working hubby, and mom to 5 beautiful children this side of heaven, and one waiting on us to join him or her at the feet of Jesus.

My ministries through our local Church include singing for His glory in a quartet, teaching in a young girls’ Sunday School class, and hosting a Ladies’ Bible Study once a month.

If a crazy busy, homeschooling, somewhat crunchy, multi-tasking, Jesus loving Mama sounds like your kinda girl, then stick around! I’d love to be an encouragement to you, as I try each week to let the Lord use me to challenge, support, and cheer on those of you also serving Him in this crazy world we live in today!