
A Mother’s Obligation Part 3

I’ll never forget the first time my daughters looked into my eyes after they were born. In my heart I vowed to love and take care of them. I truly didn’t know all that it would entail but I knew I would tackle this precious obligation with all of my being. Their little baby selves needed me for everything. To feed them, clean them, clothe them, love them. I would be anything and everything they needed.

That moment our precious darlings are born there’s a whole new responsibility that is placed upon our shoulders. They solely depend upon us. As mothers, we not only have an obligation to train and teach our children, there is also another very vital role we possess and that is to tend to our babies.

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines the verb tend as to watch, guard, to accompany as an assistant or protector, to hold, take care of, to be attentive to. Also it means to be directed to an end or purpose, to move in a certain direction.

But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned,….

1 Samuel 1:22

Hannah fulfilled her obligation to tend to her son. She fed him. The Bible tells us that she nursed him. She provided the best nutritious milk for her son. I am all for breastfeeding. It’s the healthiest for our growing darlings. Although I do know there are women who physically can’t nurse I believe we as mothers should provide the best alternative.

I am gonna speak from experience here, this was Shannon before Christ. I pray it helps someone. When my babies were born I was set on only nursing them. Because I Didn’t feed myself with foods to enrich my milk, I had to supplement with formula. (This was my doings.) Then with my second daughter, I found it inconvenient because I was in college. I only nursed for 3 weeks and then gave her formula. (This was my selfishness.) In feeding my daughters, I chose what was best for me and not for them. Praise the Lord after I got saved, I began to feed them nutritious food. I started thinking of their needs ahead of myself and what was easiest for me.

Every child born into this world has to have someone care enough to tend to their physical nutrition. A child should never be allowed to dictate what they will eat. They’re little “inner sinner” wants what they want and we as momma have to tame that beast. Teaching our children to eat what is placed before them is not barbaric nor is it hateful. It is tending. It’s guarding, protecting their health. (I’ve learned many lessons and am still learning.)

She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

Proverbs 31:15

Hannah chose what was best for Samuel so that he could serve the Lord. We should follow her example in tending to our precious gift from the Lord.

Next I see, Hannah tending to Samuel by clothing him. The Bible says she “made him a little coat, and brought it to him…” It doesn’t say she asked him what he would wear, no she made and gave him her best. It was sufficient to provide covering for his body, to keep him warm and to make him presentable in the Lord’s work. I’m sure Samuel looked very nice but he was modest. Yes, the men in the temple had to wear certain clothing to cover their nakedness. Mommas, are we guilty of teaching our children to dress immodestly or are we arranging them in raiment fit for their service for the Lord? The way Samuel was dressed didn’t reflect him as much as it reflected his mother. Tending to our children points them to an expected end and how they are clothed will help deter their destination in holiness. Clothing them physically and spiritually is one way we can protect them from the ways of this world.

She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

Proverbs 31:21

Lastly I see Hannah tended to Samuel by loving him. There is no greater earthly love than that of a mother. No one loves you like momma and we love no one like we love our precious children. We will move mountains, slay dragons, and lay down our lives for our children. In tending to our child, let’s not forget the greatest obligation we have and that’s to love them. Love them in the womb, in the cradle. Love them as we’re training them. Love them as we’re teaching them, love them in everything we do. If we make them feel they are a nuisance then they will become that. How we speak to them becomes their inner voice. Speak words of encouragement and compassion. Love them to Jesus. Let the law of kindness be in our mouths towards our children. We shouldn’t let a day pass without telling our child we love them nor should we let it pass without showing them. Our desire should be towards loving our children like Christ loves us. He uses His words, His ways and His wooing. May we be found faithful in doing so ourselves.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

Proverbs 31:26

Our obligation as a mother is not to become the tough woman who teaches our children to be hard hearted. Our responsibility is to guide and direct our babies to love like Christ, live like Christ and to be faithful like Christ. May we train, teach and tend to our children so that one day…

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Proverbs 31:28-31

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