
A Beginner’s Guide to Reading the Bible

The Bible. God’s word. The authority upon which we base our faith and way of life after salvation. This blog post is intended to be a super basic overview of where to begin with reading and studying it. Spending time in the Bible is essential for having a close spiritual relationship with God. It will strengthen your faith, help you through tough times, and solidify your beliefs. The scriptures are also a wonderful history book, and God’s love letter to each of us. My prayer is this will be a launching pad for you, and help clear up some questions you may have about where to start if you feel overwhelmed! ❤️~Kristin

The Bible can be “divided” into several categories. Take a look at your Bible’s table of contents, and follow along below.

Old Testament

The first five books (Genesis-Deuteronomy) are known as the books of the law. They contain (among other things) all the laws the Jews had to live by, as well as the judgement, penalties, and sacrificial remedies for breaking these laws. There is also some wonderful history in these books about the beginning of the world, and the answers to many of the “Why”, or “How” questions we may have for God.

The Old Testament books from Joshua-Esther are called history books. They tell of how Israel’s relationship with God waxed and waned over time. As well as historical stories of Biblical kings, good and bad. The books of Job-Song of Solomon are poetry books. These are very emotional books, containing much wisdom and guidance for us to apply to our lives when it comes to pain, suffering, love, and even business! Some of my favorite verses are found in these books.

Isaiah-Malachi are the books of the prophets. These were preachers God used to prepare his people for what was to come. They preached about Jesus’ coming, and warned of different judgments to come, and blessings God would provide.

New Testament

Matthew-John are the “gospels”. They each contain the details of Christ’s birth, life on Earth, death, and resurrection. Acts is the book where the modern Church age began! Romans-Jude are all letters to different Churches and believers. These letters are mostly encouraging, but a few are more disciplinary in nature. We can learn from these books how we ought to behave as a Church, and as individual Christians. Revelation is the book of prophecy, and the judgments yet to come.

Quick Reference Guide

Where did this all come from? Genesis chapter 1
Why is life so difficult? Why do we have pain/death? Genesis chapter 3 (for starters)
Quick, easy to apply reading, and verses to memorize: Proverbs
People who had great faith: Hebrews 11
Encouragement for tough times: Psalms
The love and goodness of God: 1 John
The good news of salvation, and a new life in Christ explained: Romans

Bottom line

It doesn’t matter what ‘system’ or ‘order’ you want to use for reading your Bible. Or if you don’t use any ‘system’ at all. The primary thing is simply to read it. Make notes. Study out or ask someone about things you don’t understand. And most importantly, pray before and after reading! You will find this is a living book, that will teach you something new and relevant each time you open it. You might just be amazed at what the Holy Spirit will speak to you about next!

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