
No worries!

Sometimes things pop up out of nowhere and overwhelm us. They consume our mind and overtake our thoughts and actions. They begin to weigh us down. The things that are out of our control begin to harass us to the point of causing anxiety and care. It troubles our very being. These things become our worries.

Worrying can cause many physical problems such as stomach issues, rapid breathing and heart rates, headaches, exhaustion and insomnia. It can effect our daily living. No wonder God tells us in His word over and over to trust Him.

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians 4:6

When we overthink or worry we become anxious. It distorts our way of looking at things. God tells us to be careful, anxious, nor to take thought for nothing. Nothing mean not one single thing. I’ll be honest I struggle in this area. I overthink everything. Then fear grips me and I find myself overwhelmed about something that is more than likely never gonna happen. I’ve made myself plum sick before. Sick to the point of having to go to the doctor. That my friend was when I was taking too much upon myself and worrying about the outcome.

Recently my husband and I have been in culture shock so to speak. God has led us down a different path for the time being. It has shaken us, humbled us and broken us. In this way of life, I’ve been reminded of this verse. The Lord keeps bringing to my mind to Cast my cares, to Be careful for nothing, Fret not, Trust in Him…. He cares about every little thing that I care about or that concerns me. Yet, I still find myself worrying over things. Why? This stupid flesh!!!! Like Paul said in Romans 7:19 “For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” I mean to hand it over to Him, but I give into worry and sin against my Lord.

How can I prevail over this worry problem I have? My friend the key verse I shared tells us.

1. Be careful for nothing…. just listen to His command and stop hoarding the thoughts that cause you to sin. Cast them upon Him. Memorize scripture and saturate your mind with His promises.

2. But in everything by prayer and supplication…Take those worries to Him. Talk to Him like you do your best friend. He is the dearest friend you will ever have. We don’t have to have someone else to go to God on our behalf- we HAVE an Advocate With the Father Jesus Christ the righteous. He ever liveth to make intercession for us. We can give Him those things that are weighing us down and He will pray with us to the Father. His Spirit makes groanings which cannot be uttered. We have a Father who longs to bear our burdens and we have His Son and His Spirit who helps us pray as we should.

3. With thanksgiving….Have you praised Him in your worry? Haha try it and see what happens. It turns that doubt and fear upside down and brings joy and peace that passes all of our understanding. Thank Him for how He will work your situation for your good.

4. Let your requests be made known until God…. That thing you’re worrying about can be explained completely to the Lord why it is bothering you. Why it matters to you. Why you need an answer. Have you ever tried to explain something to someone to help them understand? Do the same with your Father. He wants to hear all about it.

My friend worries come, we live in a sinful world but we don’t have to carry them around. Hallelujah we don’t have to live this life alone. Our God is alive! He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. He promises that He will hear when we cry, answer when we ask, open doors that are closed, speak peace to our storms, comfort us in our pain, correct us when we fail, and above all love us beyond our comprehension! He’s SomeOne we can depend on!!!! Lift your heart today in praise and watch those worries fade away!

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