Devotions Random Thoughts

Just Breathe….

Have you ever had one of those days where all you could do was literally just breathe???

We, as women, are made up of these things called hormones. We have that certain time of the month we just want to scream and pull our hair out. Every little thing can set us on edge, then the next minute we are crying a river of tears or laughing our heads off. They can make us feel crazy overwhelmed! Today was such a day for me.

I caught myself being snappy, cranky and weepy. My spirit was rotten!!! I took my vitamins, had coffee, even had some ice cream; nothing seemed to help me. I felt I was at my wits end.

Hormones or emotions can make us “feel” we are at the brink of breaking. We can feel so overwhelmed that the only thing we see is ourselves. It’s in these times we need to look to the One that is higher than we are!

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalm 61:2

I haven’t had a day like today in a very long time. I was aggravated with myself. I laid my head back and asked the Lord to take away my horrible spirit and to please fill me with His Sweet Spirit. I needed His calming peace to quieten down the raging going on within me. Making myself focus on Him in prayer helped me get my attitude in check.

I love to listen to scripture. I turned on my King James Version Dramatized Bible App and let it play through many chapters. I listened to podcasts and music. Keeping my mind busy listening to things of the Lord helped me not focus on the hormonal whirlwind I was feeling.

I know that God created me to be this complex woman made up of all kinds of hormones, emotions and feelings. I have to trust that He knows what’s going on in this body of mine. How I react is completely up to me. When that time comes like it does with all women, I’ve learned to let Him lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

So my dear sister, when those crazy hormones start spinning you out of control, remember it’s ok to just breathe for the day. Tomorrow will come, the emotions will pass and you’ll feel refreshed and renewed once again.

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