
Don’t bury your head in the sand!

It has been a rough couple years for most of us. The easiest thing to do would be to simply become a hermit, stay at home in our own little world, keeping to ourselves until Jesus returns! I hate watching the news anymore. (In fact, I have not watched mainstream media coverage since the election. I choose to get my news other ways now.) Everything you hear on TV is disgusting, disappointing, and discouraging. In fact, it seems better to just remain ignorant to what is going on in the world, right? Wrong. Many times through scripture we are told to watch, and be aware of what is going on around us. Here are some examples:

Watch and pray to avoid temptation

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed [is] willing, but the flesh [is] weak.

Matthew 26:41

There are many worldly temptations out there. Let Christ show us what is right from wrong, and then you watch and pray, lest you fall into these temptations. Our flesh is weak, we need the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us to help us avoid pitfalls and temptations. If we bury our head in the sand, and are not careful, we can mistake some “look alikes” for true things of God. Just because a label says “Christian music”, doesn’t mean the lyrics are pure. Just because a building says “Church” or “Congregation”, doesn’t mean it is Biblical and doctrinal. Know what you are getting yourself into. Don’t be ignorant.

We must stand in faith

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

This verse simply states we should watch, stand fast in our faith, act like a grown up, and be strong. Know what is going on in this crazy world, so you can fight against the attack on your faith every day. Take a stand for the things your faith teaches.

Don’t be like the lost world

Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober.

1 Thessalonians 5:16

Satan wants you to be a lazy Christian. He does NOT want you to be sober minded. A Christian who sees what’s going on in the world, marks those who are causing divisions in the Church, and calls people out when they are going against God, Satan does not like. Be this Christian. Pray, watch what’s happening. Ask God to give you wisdom, and fight for what is right!

Don’t let the opportunity for a future in heaven be stolen from you

Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

Revelation 3:3

If you have followed my blog for any amount of time you have no doubt heard about salvation. You have read about Jesus. If you have ever attended a good gospel preaching Church, then you have heard about Christ who loves you so, and died to shed his blood as payment for your sin. (Notice I didn’t say “SINS”. You need Christ to take away your sinful nature, bestowed upon you from Adam, when he was cursed in the garden of Eden. Not just the bad things we do as a result of this curse.) Watch out my friend. Jesus is coming back soon. If you haven’t yet repented of your sin nature, and trusted him as your savior, the Bible says you have not yet secured your future in heaven with him. Then once you are saved, watch and wait for Him to return for us! He is coming soon, and we want to be ready to meet him!

If you have any questions about salvation, what it all means, how to Biblically follow Christ, please don’t hesitate to ask! Send Shannon and me a message by using the form below. We would love to help you watch and pray with confidence that you are a child of God.

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