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Random Thoughts

Be strong in the Lord!

Recently my family went through a traumatic, stressful, unexpected time. Looking back on it now, I clearly see how God worked ALL things for good (I mean ALL – every moment, even the small things) as Romans 8:28 said he would. But when we were in the midst of the uncertainty and turmoil we only could pray through it, and continually search scripture that could be an encouragement to myself and my husband and children.

There will be times in life when you don’t know what to pray. Times when you don’t know where to turn, or which way is up! These times will knock you down and make you feel so weak you can’t stand. It is during those times that we MUST remember something very important: if we are saved, we have the Holy Spirit living inside us. He is strong when we are weak, he is all powerful when we are powerless. The same God that created this universe lives in your heart! What an amazing thought.

No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

Mark 3:27

This verse gave me such peace in my troubled time! What a random verse to give peace and comfort, you might say! Let me explain why… I am the Strong Man’s house. He lives in me. No man can spoil the Strong Man’s goods, lest he first bind the Strong Man. (Yes, I am capitalizing these words on purpose…and I am aware that this is not EXACTLY what the verse is referring to, but BOY did God calm my heart with this verse and these thoughts. I just had to share!)

In spite of all of life’s challenges, sadness, and heartbreaks, one thing remains true. NOTHING can affect the saved man’s soul and spirit. Our bodies can be beaten, battered and run down. The world cannot change the fact that we are a child of God, and the Holy Spirit lives within us. The only person who can “bind the strong man” (quench the Holy Spirit) in your life, is YOU! He wants to do amazing things, and answer big prayers in your life. Trust and allow him to do it!

How do I bind the Strong Man?

Quench not the Spirit.

1 Thessalonians 5:19

When I try to accomplish things in MY strength, or when I claim to know the right decision in a serious matter without praying or consulting scripture, I bind up the strong man of the Holy Spirit in my life. When I take charge in spiritual matters, choosing to do what I think is best over what the Bible says I should be doing, I am quenching the Spirit. Complaining about my situation instead of praising Him for all the good things He has blessed me with, also makes us spiritually weak.

God help me never bind the Holy Spirit/Strong Man in my heart and my home! I want you to be free to move as you will. I want us to always be receptive to your guidance! My desire is to be always strong in your Spirit. Amen!

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