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Random Thoughts

Leaders in the Church

Throughout the Bible we are given very specific instructions about every aspect of our lives. The way we are to conduct ourselves as a Church is no exception. The Church is made up of people from all walks of life. Each Church member is blessed with various talents, abilities and gifts given to us by our Savior. Not everyone will be a leader in the church, and that is the way God set things up. In fact, the Church could not operate properly nor be effective in the community with only leaders. All of the spiritual gifts and personality types of a Church are needed to make things run smoothly and to win souls to the Lord.

And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Our responsibility as Church members

We are to know them which labor among us. This verse clearly implies we are all laborers in the Lord. We are working alongside one another with one common goal in mind; to see others saved and their lives changed. We should get to know our fellow Church members on a personal basis. Things run more smoothly, and the spirit and atmosphere of a Church is sweeter when we know and respect one another.

Verse 12 also tells us that some who labor among us are also ‘over us in the Lord’. God has appointed some to be leaders in the church. If you are a leader, this is a huge responsibility not to be taken lightly. If you are not a leader, your job is to pray for those who are leaders, and to build them up instead of tear them down. Don’t be prideful if you are in a position of leadership. Don’t be envious if you are not (yet) a leader.

Admonishment will come

The word admonish means to caution, warn, and put in mind. When a choir director has to kindly ask all the choir members to work harder on learning a new song, this is admonishment. When a Sunday School teacher reminds everyone that class starts at 10:00 and not 10:15, this is a form of admonishment. Likewise, when a pastor preaches the word of God, and our feathers get ruffled because we are convicted about something in our lives, this, too, is admonishment. There are many ways admonishment will happen in a Church setting. When everyone’s heart is right these warnings and cautions will be delivered and received in the right way.

Love leads to peace

Who doesn’t want a peaceful Church? When we esteem the leaders of our Church (Sunday school teachers, choir director, pastor, assistant pastor, ministry leaders, etc.) in high regard, and love them for the work they do for God, this scripture says we will be at peace among ourselves. All of this starts when we love others as Jesus loves them. This takes work, and a complete reliance on God. We will not always see eye to eye with everyone. We are all different, and God designed it this way, so He must have a plan for us to be able to work together for His glory, in spite of these differences.

Let’s pray today for God to help us build up our leaders at Church. Pray for them, love them, and make our Churches friendlier, more peaceful places to be.

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