mother and daughter on grass
Keeping the Home The joys of motherhood

Be a blessing right where you are

Even in the mundane…

As a homeschool Mom of 5 kiddos, my life revolves mostly around my family, my home, and my Church. While these are wonderful places to be, and I have no complaints, I often wonder what God’s purpose is for me when it comes to witnessing, and being a blessing to others. Perhaps it’s the same for you – working the same job, around the same people all the time. They all know you’re a Christian, and there are only so many times you can invite them to Church before they get tired of hearing it! We wonder what God can possibly do through us. How can He use us in a mighty way, to affect the lives of others?

I was reading in Esther today, and as much as I LOVE her story, today the Lord showed me something about her Uncle Mordecai. People always focus on how God used Esther and her obedience to change a king’s heart, and save the Jews from certain death. But I want to show you some things about how God used a faithful, caring Uncle in a mighty way, too. And all he was doing was watching out for his niece who he had raised since she was a baby. He was a blessing to so many, while doing what God led him to do every day.

After Esther earned her place in the king’s palace, Mordecai stayed close by. Day in and day out he checked on her. He would walk by, making sure she had what she needed, and she was doing okay. No doubt he was hoping she was unharmed, healthy, and safe. Just as I do with my children. This made me feel a little better about my calling.

Once again in verse 19 we see Mordecai, sitting in the king’s gate. He wanted to be near Esther, in case she needed him. He vowed to take care of her and protect her when she was a child. He was simply doing what any parent would do; honoring that promise he made, no doubt to God. Remember when you promised God you would love and take care of that baby he gave you? Sometimes that love and protection looks like you are hovering. Sometimes you let them have a little wiggle room, while you sit on the sidelines and watch. And sometimes you let them go where God leads them, while you pray for their safety! But they should always know you are available if they need you! They will never outgrow that. In doing this, Mordecai was right where God wanted him, and where he was needed most.

In the right place at the right time…

Because Mordecai was doing what he vowed to the Lord he would do, looking after Esther, and because he was “in the right place at the right time”, the Lord used him in a mighty way to save lives. (You should definitely read the book of Esther, as I’m really skimming the surface trying to summarize here!)

Just do what the Lord has called you to do, where he has called you to do it. It may feel mundane. Your job may seem impossible, especially when it comes to raising children. The days may be long. But God can use you in a mighty way when you obey him, and trust His will for your life. Be a blessing right where you are!

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  1. Shannon says:

    So good!!!!😊

    1. Kristin Pruitt says:

      Thank you, my friend! 😊

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