

Encourage -“To give courage to; to give or increase confidence of success; to inspire with courage, spirit, or strength of mind; to embolden; to animate; to incite; to inspirit. “ as defined by Webster’s 1828 dictionary.

Everyone of us have the ability to lift someone else up. We may not think we have much to offer, nor courage or confidence but we know a God who gave us His Word. Therefore, we have no excuse to fall short of lifting our sisters in Christ up.

But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him…..

Deuteronomy 3:28a

Moses in this scripture is commanded by the LORD to encourage the one who would processed him in leading the children of Israel into the promised land. I’m sure Moses felt he had no strength within himself because he disobeyed the Lord and was told he couldn’t go over into Canaan. He was discouraged but obeyed as he was told.

Sometimes we have to look past ourselves to see who the Lord may want us to encourage that day. Do you struggle with finding ways to simply and inexpensively do so? Here are a few tips that the Lord has been helping me with.

Ways to encourage a sister in Christ….

  • Write a card.
  • Send a text sharing scripture
  • Call them on the phone.
  • Make a homemade gift.
  • Make a meal and drop it off at their house.
  • Plan a lunch/coffee date.
  • Buy them a small gift of something you know they collect or something for their favorite hobby.
  • Send them a gift card in the mail.
  • Babysit for a friend with littles.
  • Offer specific, practical help.
  • Bake them a treat.
  • Ask them to serve with you. (No service is too small)
  • Point out evidences of Grace. (Share what you see going on and how God is showing up. This highlights God’s provision, and helps them see that what they’re facing is covered in grace as well.)
  • Be a cheerleader. (Not the pompom and short skirt kinda gal, but the one who cheers your friend to keep serving the Lord)
  • Most importantly- Pray for them. And let them know it!

Encouraging someone may help them take the next step. It may be just what they need to keep a going! Let’s not let a day go by that we don’t lift a sister up.




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