
The “I” Disease

Have you been looking for something and search everywhere only to realize later that it was right in front of you the whole time? You weren’t really focused. It’s the same with our husbands and children and we may even say “open your eyes, it’s right there!” Haha we all know that mom knows where everything is. But sometimes, we as moms need to put some “I” drops in and see what the Lord has for us.

Our “I” disease gets us focused on tasks that only “I” can do. We fix our eyes on other things and not on the things of the Lord.

If we want to see clearly and not be so focused on our “I” disease, here’s a verse to pray daily that helps keep our “I” disease at bay.

Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

Psalm 119:18

We need to open our eyes to…

Hide His Word in our Hearts. Psalm 119:11 says “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” When we put the eye drops of His word into our hearts it keeps us from sinning. When we are tempted to sin, the Spirit of the Lord brings a verse back to our memory. It helps keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and not let the “I” disease overtake us. Hiding His Word in our hearts can comfort us when we don’t have our Bible on hand.

Humble Ourselves to His Word. Psalm 119:25-32 shows us how sinful we are. Our soul should be cleaving (sticking to) the dust. Humbled and bowed in reverence because we know it’s only through His Word that we are anything. Our flesh is sinful. It’s lying. Maybe not in our words, but what about our actions?! Do we live a life different than what’s in the church on Sunday? Maybe we think we are better than so and so and we have to tell others about it. Our “I” disease needs some drops of His Word to quicken (bring life, restore) our humility and see who we really are. He is the One who is better and more holy! If there is any good in us, it’s because we have humbled ourselves and allowed Him to be seen.

Help others. Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” If we are walking by the Light of His Word we can’t help but shine to others. Our talk, our walk, our love will help others see their need of the Saviour. If we apply the eye drops of His Word daily our eyes will be more in tune to others instead of ourselves.

When we ask the Lord to open our eyes we fall more in love with Him, His Word and His Ways.

We can’t help but read His Word daily!

We can’t help but think of Him all day!

We can’t help but love Him more and more!

So pick up your Bible today and apply those eye drops of His Word!

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