
Who is in Control Here?

The storm clouds have gathered over my life. The temperatures are changing and I feel the pressure that it is about to be a gully washer. I can choose to take shelter or I can stand right in the middle of it. If I choose to take shelter, there is safety, I only hear the storm but it’s not touching me. But if I choose to stay put, I will be putting myself in what could be danger. I know that God is in control of the storms but am I gonna trust that He already has it all figured out for me? Or am I going to stand there and just try to face it on own?

Some storms that come into my life that I really don’t like are CHANGE.

Change means to alter or make different. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary also defines it as to shift.

I don’t like the storm of change at all. I like being comfortable right where I am. BUT if I am to be conformed more into the image of Christ then I am gonna have to shift (move, change direction, give place to other things).

Change is hard but it is very necessary.

What do I do when storms of change are crashing against me?

  1. Remember that He is Lord! He is God. He does everything for my good. His ways are above mine and His thoughts are higher than mine. The day (September 17, 1996) I accepted His perfect gift of salvation, He became mine and I became His. He has never failed to be my Lord. Therefore, I can remember that I can trust His plan and do what He asks. 1 Corinthians 6:20 “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
  2. Remember that He knows! He knows every feeling and emotion I am feeling. Whether it’s the unknown, fear, hurt, sadness, happiness, excitement…literally everything! He knows and He cares. AND above all, He’s praying for me and is there to help me change. Hebrews 4:13 “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
  3. Remember that He does all things well! He is asking me to change so that He may be glorified in my life. He only wants what is best for me. He knows me inside and out and He knows just exactly WHY something in me needs to change. He is working every little detail for my good. But really it is all because He is so good. He is helping me see past the storms that His goodness is there, leading and helping me. Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

God isn’t asking me to figure it all out….. He is asking me to trust that He already has every little detail figured out for me. I just need to trust Him. He knows I need to shift or move some things out of my life to draw closer to Him. I will remember that He is Lord! He knows my frame! He does all things well!

I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. I have witnessed His mercies every morning. I have seen that He is faithful. I have heard His still small voice in the midst of my storms. I have lived in His goodness. He does all things well and I can trust Him no matter what storm He asks me to go through.

So today. I let go of trying to figure out every little detail. I will trust Him and let Him have full control of me!

He’s Still Lord to Me! He’s in Control of my storm!

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