
I just don’t get anything out of Church.

Have you ever said these words? Perhaps not the exact phrase, but maybe you have left Church discouraged. Feeling as though “The Lord just didn’t speak to your heart”. Believe it or not, this is one of the top reasons, why people leave a Church.1 They feel as though the preaching just isn’t relevant to their life, or the sermons are continually “meant for someone else”.

I wonder how much of this is actually the preacher’s fault. Hear me out!

…Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.

Joshua 3:5b

Scripture tells us that before the Lord does wonders among us, we have to do our part. Sunday morning Church requires Saturday night preparation. (And I don’t just mean making sure clothes are ironed, and breakfast is planned!) The word “sanctify” in Joshua 3:5 means to purify, make ready, and keep clean. What this word does NOT mean is to save ourselves. Once you have trusted Jesus as your savior, you need never ask him to save you again. However, we will continue to make errors, and sin daily. We have to confess these sins to Him, and seek his forgiveness in order to maintain communication and fellowship with Him. Do we go to Church each service with a clear ‘conscience’? And a pure testimony before God?

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

Psalms 95:2

Thanksgiving. The act of giving thanks. A form of praise, worship, adoration and sacrifice. When we arrive at Church to be part of a service, and hear preaching, how thankful are we? Have we let God know we are thankful? And also – this verse brings up singing. Do you have a song in your heart where God is concerned? You can’t have a song of praise AND bitterness in your heart. The two are like oil and water. When it is time for congregational singing, do you participate? Even if you don’t know the song, do the words resonate with your soul?

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

1 Corinthians 2:4

Preaching is not and has not ever been intended to tickle the ears, and please the multitudes. In fact, many times preaching will rub our flesh the wrong way when it convicts us. I challenge you to do a search using Blue Letter Bible2. Type in the word “preaching”. See what comes up. The things we are commanded to preach (and teach) are the gospel, the Word of God, the cross, the Kingdom of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the list goes on! We are not commanded to preach happiness, roses, and good times only!

Have you put in the work? Is your heart right with God? (Acts 8:21) But did you praise Him? And are these things listed above being preached?

If the answer is no to any of these things above, then pray! Seek God’s hand in the matter. Ask Him to show you how to draw closer to him. Examine yourself, and make sure a wrong spirit isn’t the problem.


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