It’s Ok to Sit a Minute!

Ever have one of those days where you’re physically drained and just don’t feel up to doing all the things? Well that’s me today. My get up and go left me. Haha. The extent of my activity today has been packing my husband’s lunch and making his coffee before work. I’ve taken care of the …

Happy love day…

Tonight, as you scroll through Social Media, don’t get caught up in comparing how much/little your spouse must love you based on pictures of others’ gifts received today. Instead, remember this: the ultimate display of love ever shown for someone else. Calvary. The cruel death Jesus died for you and me. He didn’t have to. …

What Does Your House Look Like?

By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through. Ecclesiastes 10:18 Decayeth in our verse means to bring low, to tumble in ruins. Droppeth through means to drip, to melt, to drop, it also means to weep. I don’t think any of us want our houses to look …