That Lot!

What is that one thing that seems to be weighing you down? What is it that keeps you from taking that next step in obedience to the Lord? We all have things that we allow to come between our daily walk with the Lord. As you hop into this hot air balloon with me, I …

Only one life

Part 3 of 3 part series “The power of ONE” It has been said “Only one life ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last”. This is so true. The things we do (or DON’T do) for Christ will leave the biggest, most lasting impact here on earth. Think about it. What …

You are the one.

Part 1 of 3 part “Power of ONE” series Have you ever thought about how precious you are to God? I mean, really. Have you soaked it all in, and meditated on the fact that YOU are the reason Christ was born and endured mistreatment? Only to be crucified, and further shamed in his death. …

Did you get dressed this morning?

If you study your Bible, you may be reading the title of this blog post and thinking… yep! I know what this one’s about. Putting on the full armor of God. Wrong! Or maybe how to dress modestly, as a Christian lady. Wrong again! The book of Colossians tells us that there are some things …

Bearing Burdens

They come in all shapes and sizes, but every one of us have burdens to bear. Sometimes we long to help bear the burdens of others but we get so consumed with our own heaviness that we sit down and not fulfil the law of Christ-His love, forbearance, compassion. God’s Word instructs us to help …