Random Thoughts

12 ways to encourage each other even during these crazy times

One thing we can all agree on today is we need a little more love and kindness in this world. All you have to do is venture outside your home, or turn on the news, and you can see how unhappy people are. These people may not realize it, but they are all searching for one thing. They are searching for a love that fills the empty void in their soul, where only Jesus himself can fill and heal them.

…exhort one another daily…

Hebrews 3:13

It is our job daily as Christians to share the good news of salvation with the lost and hopeless any way we can. Sometimes the best way to start a “God conversation” is a random act of kindness, or even a few words of encouragement. We are commanded to be the light and salt of the earth to those around us.

12 ways to be an encouragement today:

  • Send a card of encouragement. Everybody loves getting mail!
  • Send a handwritten letter. What a lost art this is! Sometimes you can say better in writing what is difficult to express in person.
  • Send a quick text message. This only takes seconds of your day, but can be a huge blessing to someone who needs it.
  • Drop off a gift. This could mean grocery shopping for someone who can’t get out, or this could just be dropping by a candy bar or coffee from a favorite place.
  • Send money if there is a need, or even just because! Gift cards for groceries or restaurants that offer take out are great options if you don’t want to write a check or give cash.
  • Have flowers delivered. There is just something about a vase of fresh flowers on a kitchen counter that makes everyone in the home smile.
  • Smile and say thank you. This is such a rare thing nowadays, it will catch someone off guard, and make their day.
  • Hold the door for someone, even if it means going out of your way. Another act of kindness that used to be common place, but has gotten lost as the years go by. It is still just as helpful and kind today as it was then. Perhaps meaning even more now because it’s so rare.
  • Call just to say hello. You never know when it will be the last time you talk to/see your loved ones. This life is too short. Call your grandparents, call your parents, call siblings and friends. Just tell them you love them, and ask what you can pray about for them.
  • Pray for each other. We are great at saying “I will pray for you”. But when is the last time we really spent time in serious prayer for a request or burden that we committed to pray for?
  • Pay for someone’s order behind you. You can always leave a gospel tract or note with a verse on it for the cashier to hand to the person when they find out their order was paid for. This is an easy way to witness to someone if you are shy!
  • Acknowledge and praise the good in someone. One’s faults are easy to spot, and sometimes the good is difficult to find in a person. It often goes a long way towards touching somebody’s heart if we compliment them on an aspect of their life.

Never underestimate the power of kindness and encouragement. Jesus is our example, and he always loved the unlovable.

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