
1 verse that promises everything a woman wants!

What do women really want? I’m sure that is a question that has been asked thousands of times through the ages. And while the answer may vary from one woman to the next, I’m certain there are a few common answers that we would get when polling any group of women. In fact, one survey done on 64,000 women showed that the most important things to them in a relationship were the following:

90% say kindness is the most important quality when looking for a partner for life
86% say supportiveness is a close second most important quality
72% say their partner must be intelligent
60% say confidence is key
58% say security (financial and otherwise) is of utmost importance
25% (which is shameful) said religion is key to making a relationship last *

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

1 Peter 5:10

God of all grace

You want to talk about kindness and intelligence?! If you need kindness in your life, and can’t seem to find a friend that will love you right where you are, and help you in every circumstance, let me introduce you to my friend, Jesus! Oh, how he loves us. He has given us a way to live with him forever in eternity in heaven. He paid the cost. Our salvation is a free gift! “No strings attached.” Don’t we all want to be loved like this?

Make you perfect

The word perfect here means “to complete thoroughly, to repair, fit together, or mend and restore”. Oh how I want to be made perfect! There have been times I have felt so broken, only the love of Jesus, my savior, can repair my heart. When others disappoint me and leave me hurting, he will mend the pieces. He truly completes me.


This means to set fast; to be fixed; to turn resolutely in a certain direction. You want confidence? Let Christ in to your life. Give him a chance to be your everything! He is steadfast and sure. Christ is our rock, and you can lean on him no matter what. He will also give you confidence. The “self-esteem” the world preaches is nothing compared to the confidence in Christ we can have when He lives within us, and we give him our whole heart. When you are a child of God you need not fear tomorrow, and what this world may bring our way. There is no greater confidence than that.


You want to feel supported in your endeavors in life? Let everything you do be done in HIS might, not yours. You can do all things through Christ, if he is your strength. The word strengthen in this context has physical and spiritual application. “To give bodily vigor and spiritual knowledge and power.” Do you want to feel spiritually stronger? Rely more fully on Christ. Do you want to be more lively physically? Live as the Bible prescribes. Take care of your physical body. It’s the temple of God, after all!


Why does the world call getting married “settling down”? Because in their minds, marriage is the start of a more routine, stable, more grounded lifestyle than being single. They are (sort of) correct. And this is not a bad thing. Likewise, when we give our heart to Christ, and seek His purpose for us, HE becomes our foundation, our rock on which we build our lives. He grounds us, and gives us a firm foundation on which to build our life. Most of us women would say stability is very important to us in a marriage relationship. It doesn’t get more stable than Christ! Married or not, build your life on HIM first!

Whether you are married, single, widowed, divorced – no matter your “relationship status”, seek God first. Don’t try to be satisfied in anyone/anything else. Other people will let you down. Unfortunately that is our nature as men and women. We are not capable of being anybody’s everything. God wanted us to rely on HIM to be our everything. When we rely fully on him, and fall in love with Jesus, he will provide the friends and relationships we need in our life to make our world complete.

*Survey information taken from New York Post, for illustrative purposes only. I do NOT advise using this as a list of what to look for in a mate. Please pray and use the Bible as your guide when searching for a spouse! The New York Times is a worldly publication, with no desire or thought to please God.

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