Devotions Keeping the Home

❤️ What was…..Still is! ❤️

Today 28 years ago, I stood before God and made a vow first to Him and then to the most handsome man in all the world. I promised to love, honor, keep, submit, and give my life wholly to Tracy Moody. I’ll never forget looking into his beautiful green eyes and seeing the same love and fire I had burning within me. From that moment on, I have never, ever wanted that fire to go out. I promised to do whatever it took to keep it burning.

I am reminded of a verse in Leviticus chapter 6 where God is instructing Moses on how the fires are to be burning upon the altar.

The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.

Leviticus 6:13

God never wanted the fire to go out. Matthew Henry’s commentary of this verse states that We may suppose that no day passed without some extraordinary sacrifices,….to preserve it all night unto the morning (v. 9) required some care. …Those that keep good houses never let their kitchen fire go out;…The first fire upon the altar came from heaven(ch. 9:24)…

By this law I’d love to apply it my marriage.

I’ll never forget when we decided on forever. Little did I know all that keeping our fire burning would intel. All I knew was that he was the one and no matter the cost I’d pay it to love him for the rest of my life. A fire from God began to burn upon the altar of our marriage. We became one March 24, 1994. A fire began to burn brightly.

Just like the Levites had to care for the fire upon the altar so does the fires of my marriage need tending to. Learning one another can be challenging sometimes. Haha like socks being left whenever they come off, habits that grate your nerves. Little things can cause you to become frustrated but when the fire of grace burns it gives space for growth. Haha I love to see all the areas he needs to grow in, but boy do I not like to see that I have to grow as well. If I want the fire in my marriage to be burning with a hot consuming fire; I have got to have grace with my man. He isn’t perfect and neither am I. I’ve found that when something agitates me I need to take it to the Lord. He usually helps me see where I need to change. I, then, feel so humbled and give grace to my man. The same grace that the Lord gives me is the same grace I should give to keep that fire burning!

It’s gonna happen, we are human. We are gonna hurt one another in some way or fashion. It’s gonna be painful and we are gonna wanna make them pay for it. Because I don’t deserve that!!!! Haha I’m just being honest here. He is gonna hurt me by accident and yes sometimes on purpose. But if the the truth be told I’m gonna do the same. If I want the fire in my marriage to stay burning I’m gonna have to fuel the fire of forgiveness. I’m gonna have to grant forgiveness and I’m gonna have to ask for it. I have to remember that as Christ forgave me, I need to have the same forgiveness for my man.

When my fires of grace and forgiveness are burning it makes the fire of love get hotter and brighter. Wooooeee, I’m just saying, when the house is in order the flames get hot. I don’t mean the physical house, I’m talking about what’s in the bedroom. God created us this way. He ordained marriage and for our fires to burn for one another. Our unity as husband and wife is beautiful in His sight. My love for my man has grown with more intensity over the years. I desire him more, and I love the way he loves me. Daily Passion goes beyond the bedroom, it will carry over to when you’re standing at the kitchen sink and he comes behind you, puts his arms around you and kisses your neck. It’s passing by him in the hallway and stealing a kiss. It’s writing love notes and putting them in his lunch. It’s sending texts of adoration. It’s a lot of little things. Fires of love burn brighter when you’re throwing kindling constantly into its flames.

The fires of grace, forgiveness and love consume all the things that try to distinguish it’s flame. It protects its passion. It remembers its promise. It promotes its prosperity. It fuels the flame. It adds another log onto the fire.

The more I fall in love with Jesus, the more I fall for my husband. The more I protect my time with the Lord, the more I protect the fire burning in my home.

I pray this all the time, “Lord, help me to fall more in love with You, because I know the more I love You, the more I’ll love my husband. “

28 years and still going strong. Not because of who we are but because of the Fire of the Love of God that burns in our marriage.

🔥 What was….Still is! 🔥

❤️ Happy Anniversary my love! ❤️

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  1. Debi says:

    How precious. Happy Anniversary friend💝🔥

    1. Shannon says:

      Thank you my friend ❤️

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