Devotions Random Thoughts


As a child, I remember crying with my bones hurting. Granny would hold me and say β€œShann, this is a good pain. You’re growing. In order to be a big girl sometimes it takes a little pain for our bodies to change.” I sure didn’t understand Granny JoAnne’s logic on this matter but I’m thankful for the growing pains I had as a child.


Fast forward to today, I don’t like it when change causes pain, but through it I’m made better. Change hurts, growing pains hurt but I long to be more like Christ.
I sang a song not long ago in church titled β€œWhatever it takes to be more like You, that’s what I’m willing to do!” That song hit me that service in a way like never before. I didn’t know the change that would be coming my way in the next months. I didn’t know what God would require of me. BUT, I know HE makes no mistakes and this is a good pain He’s growing me with.
I long to live a life that imitates Christ. I want others to see Jesus in me. If I don’t let change come then those desires are in vain.
Today, as I look at my life, I pray that I always let change come. I pray I allow His Spirit to lead me, whether through deep waters, through burning sands or along green, lush pastures. I want Jesus and I want Change!

Letting Go, Letting God and Letting Change is sometimes easier said than done. If I allow Him to work in me I know He knows best and I can trust Jesus-He takes good care of me!


I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:1-2

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